IDE Integration
How to integrate Zencoder with your IDE
Zencoder integrates with popular IDEs through extensions and plugins. This integration enables you to access all Zencoder features directly within your development environment.
Below are installation instructions for supported IDEs.
Visual Studio Code
Open Visual Studio Code
Launch Visual Studio Code and click the Extensions icon (square icon with four blocks) on the left-hand sidebar.
• Windows: Press Ctrl+Shift+X
• macOS: Press Cmd+Shift+X
Search for 'Zencoder'
Type Zencoder into the search bar at the top of the Extensions view and press Enter.
Install the Zencoder Extension
In the search results, locate the Zencoder extension.
Click Install next to the extension to add it to your Visual Studio Code setup.
Sign In or Sign Up
After installation:
• Existing Users: Sign in with your Zencoder account credentials.
• New Users: Follow the prompts to register and create an account.
JetBrains IDEs
Open Your JetBrains IDE
Open your JetBrains IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm) on your system.
Open Settings
Navigate to File > Settings (or WebStorm > Settings on macOS).
Open the Plugins Section
In the Settings menu, select the Plugins section on the left sidebar.
Search for 'Zencoder'
In the Plugin Marketplace, type “Zencoder” into the search bar and press Enter.
Install the Zencoder Plugin
Locate the Zencoder plugin in the search results.
Click Install to add the plugin to your JetBrains IDE.
Once the installation is complete, you may need to restart the IDE to activate the plugin.
Sign In or Sign Up
After restarting:
• Existing Users: Log in with your Zencoder account credentials.
• New Users: Follow the registration process to create a new account.
After installation and login, Zencoder will be available in your IDE. You can access its features through the IDE interface or using keyboard shortcuts documented in each feature’s guide.
Android Studio
Android Studio is built on the JetBrains IntelliJ platform, so the installation process follows the same steps as described in the JetBrains IDEs section above. The Zencoder plugin works identically in Android Studio, providing full access to all features within your Android development environment.